
Norway suspect modeled his writings after Unabomber manifesto

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Los Angeles Times

Anders Behring Breivik, the chief suspect in Friday’s twin terrorist attacks in Norway, copied passages from infamous American Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski’s manifesto and used them in his own writings, according to a Norwegian website that publishes political commentary, analysis and essays.

Hans Rustad, editor of the website, writes that Breivik’s 1,500-page political manifesto, titled “A European Declaration of Independence” and posted on the website (link in Norwegian) along with other writings by Breivik, copied some of Kaczynski’s document almost verbatim.

Photos: Norway attack suspect


The website editor noted that the alleged gunman replicated passages 6 through 23 of the Unabomber’s manifesto, but made some slight changes.

For example, Breivik replaced the word “leftist” with “cultural Marxist;” while “leftism” was replaced with “Multiculturalism” and “cultural Communism,” according to Rustad.

Kaczynski, a mathematician who lived in the American wilderness, conducted an almost-20-year mail-bombing spree, in which three people were killed and almost two dozen injured.


As reported by The Times, the titles of sections of Breivik’s online manifesto, the authorship of which could not be verified, include, “What your government, the academia and the media are hiding from you,” “Documenting EU’s deliberate strategy to Islamize Europe” and “How the feminists’ ‘War Against the Boys’ paved the way for Islam.”

Breivik calls for a “conservative revolution” and “preemptive declaration of war,” including “armed resistance against the cultural Marxists/multiculturalist regimes of Western Europe.”

In an article on, Rustad wrote that Breivik had been “an active” commentator on the website since fall 2009, with more sporadic posts in 2010.


Rustad surmised that Breivik wanted the document to become “an organ of a cultural conservative revival.”

“He saw great potential,” in it,” Rustad wrote. “He was both excited about much of the material and analysis, and that he thought there was a big market out there for it.”

Rustad said in his article that Breivik gave the impression of being a person with important contacts. But when the website tried to check him out, they found that he was rather lightweight — a small outfit with few references, Rustad said.

Photos: Norway attack suspect

The editor said that the only contact had with Breivik was an email the suspected gunman sent on Oct. 28, 2009, in which he suggested ways to increase the website’s traffic. But “it didn’t lead to anything,” Rustad wrote.

Rustad noted that editors at his website read through all of Breivik’s posts. But “there is nothing in them that indicates what was to come,” Rustad wrote.

