
Readers React: FCC’s net neutrality move reflects the will of the people

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To the editor: Rep. Greg Walden (R-Ore.), chairman of the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee that oversees the Federal Communications Commission, has accused the FCC of giving in to “politically generated populist furor” by adopting regulations that protect the free flow of Internet traffic. (“Top GOP lawmaker calls net neutrality ‘politically generated populist furor,’” March 19)

Good God, what is this country coming to when a government agency can fall prey to the will of the people?

The latest action by the commission can be seen as nondiscrimination regulation for the digital age. Like every other legislative effort to rid our society of bias, there are those whose kicking and screaming speak volumes about their true views.


Brian Bennett, La Verne


To the editor: It would be nice if politicians would stop pontificating about “the will of the American people” and actually attempt to listen to them.

Walden’s comments labeling public comment on FCC action to preserve Internet neutrality as merely “politically generated populist furor” ignores the fact that public support for some regulation is widespread in spite of corporate interests suggesting a nonissue.


Like universal background checks for guns, this may be a case where “the will of the American people” is clear and it isn’t aligned with that of inherently conflicted special interests.

John Brock, Hansville, Wash.

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