
MOCA loses another curator as Rebecca Morse heads to LACMA

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The brain drain continues: Rebecca Morse is leaving her job as associate curator at MOCA for a post with the same title within LACMA’s photography department. She will start her new position on Feb. 1, replacing Edward Robinson and reporting to photography head Britt Salvesen.

Her departure leaves only two curators at MOCA (Alma Ruiz and Bennett Simpson), down from a high of seven curators in early 2009. That year the museum implemented various cost-cutting measures and layoffs, following a financial crisis and bailout by trustee Eli Broad.

Morse graduated from SUNY Purchase in 1993 and earned her master’s in art history in 1997 from the University of Arizona, writing a thesis on artist Robert Heinecken, writer Alain Robbe-Grillet and montage. She started working at MOCA the following year and has been associate curator there since 2009.

While at MOCA Morse curated shows on photographer Florian Maier-Aichen (2007) and installation artist Amanda Ross-Ho (2012). She also developed a photography acquisitions committee or support group for the museum.


Reached Monday at the Getty’s kick-off event for Pacific Standard Time Presents, museum spokesperson Lyn Winter said there are “no plans right now” to replace Morse. Winter also did not have any updates on previously reported talks between the museum and USC about a potential partnership.


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