
Live chat: the rules of Hollywood

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Times Staff Writer

2007-08-20 14:56:41.0 Administrator: Hi folks, and welcome to the Rules of Hollywood chat! We’ll begin in just a few minutes (but feel free to submit your questions for Nicole and Pamela now).

2007-08-20 15:07:06.0 Administrator: Let’s get started! Welcome Nicole and Pamela!

2007-08-20 15:07:08.0 laurieanne: Pam Im from Michigan and The Grill is my favorite restaurant! And you do such a fabulous job, what is your secret to success?

2007-08-20 15:08:20.0 Pamela Gonyea: My mantra is “never let ‘em see you sweat” ... plus I love what I do!


2007-08-20 15:08:33.0 artmeola: Where is The Grill

2007-08-20 15:09:33.0 Pamela Gonyea: Our address: 9560 Dayton Way, Beverly Hills, Ca 90210 We are right in the heart of Beverly Hills, just west of Rodeo Drive. Call 310.276.0615 for detailed directions!

2007-08-20 15:09:38.0 DoubleD277: I work on Beverly and Wilshire. I find that a lot of people prefer chain restearuants now like CPK and Sharky’s. Why do you think that is?

2007-08-20 15:10:57.0 Pamela Gonyea: People like to know what to expect, and what they’re getting every time they come in ... at The Grill, our guests also know what to expect because of the consistency


2007-08-20 15:11:03.0 Administrator: RR asks: what do you do when two bigshots come in at the same time and only one power booth is available?

2007-08-20 15:12:21.0 Nicole LaPorte: I just think that a bit of the status veneer (if that makes sense) of Hollywood dining has worn off, so that it’s become more acceptable to eat at places that don’t necessarily have the CAA or Warner Bros. seal of approval.

2007-08-20 15:13:34.0 Pamela Gonyea: First I take a deep breath ... there is usually a way to make them both happy. I would offer the best table possible. A sense of humor on the job doesn’t hurt, either.


2007-08-20 15:14:14.0 Administrator: Nicole, how has power-lunching changed since the Golden Age of Hollywood in the ‘30s and 40s?

2007-08-20 15:18:53.0 Nicole LaPorte: A lot has changed since then. For one, studio commissaries were sort of the de rigeur lunch spots. All the studio stars (who were on contract back then) and executives regularly ate at the commissaries. One veteran entertainment journalist told me once that in order to get the news all he had to do was head over to the Paramount commissary or the Warner Bros. commisary and literally just table-hop. By the end of lunch he’d have dozens of scoops! These days commissaries are almost the last resort, used more for convenience than anything else. In the meantime, institutional eateries have emerged, such as the Grill and Spago, which around lunchtime are virtual Who’s Who in Hollywood. And recently even that group has evolved, as I say in my piece.

2007-08-20 15:19:06.0 DoubleD277: It’s interesting because today we went to Frida’s, a very modestly-priced Mexican food joint on Beverly (just S of Charlieville) and we saw Michael Eisner sitting there. Now this is not the place I would expect to see someone of his stature. Why do you think it’s degressed into this?

2007-08-20 15:20:38.0 Nicole LaPorte: Interesting, I hear he’s also a patron of Mako, also on Beverly, which is where his office is. It could be convenience, or, don’t forget, sometimes these people are avoiding more conspicuous places if they’re having a private chat, etc.

2007-08-20 15:21:05.0 mimi: I’m sure you are missed at the Grill in the evening, how does working lunches compare?

2007-08-20 15:21:16.0 Pamela Gonyea: Everyone likes a little variety ...

2007-08-20 15:22:58.0 artmeola: Pam, what sorts of things do the power lunchers like to eat


2007-08-20 15:23:20.0 Pamela Gonyea: Actually I still work a few nights in addition to the lunches ... The biggest difference is that people are in more of a hurry for lunch so it’s kinda “fast and furious” and for dinner people have a little more time to sit and relax over a drink, etc.

2007-08-20 15:24:39.0 Pamela Gonyea: The power diners like our fish dishes such as John Dory and Dover Sole, and we sell a lot of custom salads and even Kobe beef burgers

2007-08-20 15:25:09.0 Nicole LaPorte: I’m a big fan of your crab louie salad..

2007-08-20 15:25:28.0 Nicole LaPorte: louis I think it is; oops.

2007-08-20 15:25:33.0 Administrator: Pamela, how was the transition taking over from a celebrated predecessor?

2007-08-20 15:25:50.0 Pamela Gonyea: You are not alone ... a big seller at lunch

2007-08-20 15:27:36.0 Pamela Gonyea: I have some big shoes to fill ... MIchael knows so many people and they love him ... I was lucky to work closely with him for 6 years... we were a good team!

2007-08-20 15:27:38.0 laurieanne: How many people do you think enter The Grill daily, since its always packed when Im in there, Im curious how many you serve and/or are capable of serving!

2007-08-20 15:28:53.0 Pamela Gonyea: On a daily basis we serve several hundred people in a 120 seat restaurant


2007-08-20 15:30:06.0 Administrator: What kind of tips do you get from your power diners? Are they usually generous?

2007-08-20 15:31:03.0 Nicole LaPorte: I remember being awed by Michael once, just watching him at work (I’m sure I’ll feel the same when I observer you, just haven’t’ been in recently). That job seems to require that you know everyone by name, not to mention some personal details, such as who plays golf, who just had shoulder surgery.. that sort of chat seems to give the place a homey vibe, not to mention, I’m sure, please the customers. Are you feeling like you have a lot of homework to do as you adjust to the new job?

2007-08-20 15:31:30.0 Pamela Gonyea: Many of our servers have been with us for close to 23 years ... I’m sure the tips must be pretty good, overall!

2007-08-20 15:32:12.0 Administrator: I bet!

2007-08-20 15:33:19.0 Pamela Gonyea: Absolutely .. and as I mentioned I worked closely with Michael so he introduced me to people and made all of us aware of guests’ preferences.

2007-08-20 15:33:27.0 laurieanne: Pamela, you arePam, you are basically holding one of the top jobs in your industry, so congrats on your success! Any advice for young people starting out in your industry who look to you as a role model?

2007-08-20 15:35:53.0 Pamela Gonyea: If you’re going to be in this business you have to love people and being of service... and sometimes you really need to be able to think fast on your feet.


2007-08-20 15:36:20.0 prgal: What are some of the favorite items among celebrities?

2007-08-20 15:37:14.0 Pamela Gonyea: CLint Eastwood likes the dover sole; Mark Wahlberg loves NY Steak; Carol Burnett comes on Sundays for our Prime

2007-08-20 15:37:47.0 Administrator: What is your process for planning the seating chart every day?

2007-08-20 15:40:22.0 Pamela Gonyea: THere are many regulars who get booths every time they come in ... those are assigned ... then there are several requests for booths (we have 14) As calls come in I continue to adjust accordingly. I try to hold on to a couple for last minute calls ...

2007-08-20 15:40:53.0 Norwood Paukert: Pam, I worked the front door at the Ivy for many years, so I understand the pressure of your job. How do you handle mulitple clients who think they own the same booth or table?

2007-08-20 15:43:12.0 Pamela Gonyea: Generally I give it to the person who calls/comes in first. That’s a tough one, but if they’re in the same vicinity, they are ok. When they see you’re doing the best you can, they’re very understanding. I try to be honest with people ... The Ivy had to be a tough gig!!!

2007-08-20 15:43:22.0 fire writer: What is the protocol for when a celeb is mildly accosted for attention by an aspiring this or that? And what do the celebs commonly say after such a nuisance?


2007-08-20 15:44:43.0 Pamela Gonyea: We try to protect them by anticipating possible intrusions ... I’ve been known to have a couple of servers stand in front of a booth to block someone famous ...

2007-08-20 15:45:13.0 Nicole LaPorte: Wasn’t there talk at some point of starting a valet service at the Grill?

2007-08-20 15:46:20.0 Norwood Paukert: Just to throw my 2-cents in on that one, I think celebs, like everyone else, are entitled to the Ivy I once had a lady from the midwest who demanded access to a celeb, saying, if they didn’t want to be bothered, they shouldn’t go out in public!

2007-08-20 15:46:28.0 Pamela Gonyea: We currently have valet service every night @ 6PM...we’re working feverishly to re-establish it for lunch. There are several bureaucratic hurdles, unfortunately.

2007-08-20 15:46:56.0 Administrator: Nicole, in a Hollywood power lunch, who gets to decide the location?

2007-08-20 15:49:01.0 Nicole LaPorte: Generally speaking, it’s the quote unquote more powerful person, or else the person who has something the other person wants -- a deal, a movie, etc. High powered executives and, of course, talent, tend to trump everyone else.


2007-08-20 15:49:10.0 prgal: The Grill is known for its comfort, ease and tailored attention to guests. Even though there are a lot of standard favorites that guests order straight from the menu, how do you plan for the special requests from guests?

2007-08-20 15:51:10.0 Pamela Gonyea: The Chef is always on hand and the attitude is “if we have it in the house, we’ll make it work!”

2007-08-20 15:51:15.0 Administrator: Nicole, what is the strangest Hollywood power lunch spot?

2007-08-20 15:52:26.0 Nicole LaPorte: Well, the food court in Century City is probably the most recent odd spot. Since ICM and CAA moved to CC, joining MGM, I’ve seen some COO level people walking around with trays.

2007-08-20 15:52:57.0 Administrator: Are American food and sushi the only acceptable power lunch foods?

2007-08-20 15:53:48.0 Nicole LaPorte: Those two do seem to rank high.. But I’d say Italian is also up there (Madeo’s, Orso, Campanile)..


2007-08-20 15:53:52.0 Administrator: Nicole, what do you think is the future of the Power Lunch? Will it continue its downward spiral or swing back to the 3-martini days?

2007-08-20 15:55:45.0 Nicole LaPorte: Let’s hope for some more midday martinis! No, I think there’s definitely an all-around sense of budget consciousness in Hwood that affects lunching habits. But at the same time I think as LA becomes a more foodie town, with excitement over places like Mozza and Cut, you’ll see the power folks heading to where good food is, not just good tables.

2007-08-20 15:56:15.0 Administrator: We’ll be wrapping up in a few minutes, so send in your last questions for Nicole and Pamela!

2007-08-20 15:58:03.0 Administrator: Pamela, what would you say is the lunchtime ratio of power lunchers to celebrity gawkers?

2007-08-20 16:00:07.0 Pamela Gonyea: We have very very few celebrity gawkers ... most of our clientele are regulars and are accustomed to seeing famous people in/around Beverly Hills. We get them occasionally, but rarely.

2007-08-20 16:00:11.0 prgal: What is the most popular power lunch menu item at The Grill?

2007-08-20 16:01:08.0 Pamela Gonyea: Probably the John Dory or any other of the fresh fish items.


2007-08-20 16:01:30.0 Administrator: Thank you all for participating in the chat, and thank you, Nicole and Pamela!

2007-08-20 16:01:49.0 Pamela Gonyea: My pleasure!
