
How to help fire victims

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Charitable groups responding to the Southern California wildfires are seeking donations to assist residents affected by the disaster.

L.A. Times Family Fund and KTLA Charities Fire Relief Campaign: The Times, KTLA-TV Channel 5 and the McCormick Tribune Foundation created a relief campaign to raise funds for agencies that help those affected by the fires. Call toll-free (877) 713-0278 or check McCormick Tribune Foundation Fire Relief Campaign website.

American Red Cross: Cash donations can be made through or through a local Red Cross chapter. Information on shelter locations can be found on local Red Cross websites. Information: (800) REDCROSS or (800) 257-7575 for Spanish-speakers.


Governor’s Office of Emergency Services: Businesses wishing to donate large quantities of goods for distribution to fire victims can call (800) 750-2858 between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. Pacific time. Volunteers can find more information at the governor’s CaliforniaVolunteers website at

Los Angeles Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: Contributions can be made through or by calling (888) SPCALA1. Food supplies, including for farm animals, also are needed.

Salvation Army: Cash contributions can be made through its website at or by calling (800) SALARMY.


U-Haul: U-Haul in San Diego and the San Fernando Valley are offering 30 days of free storage to Southern California residents affected by the fires. Residents can ask about which storage facility to use by calling (800) 468-4285.

United Health Group: Southern Californians coping with the emotional consequences of the fires can call a counseling hotline at (866) 342-6892. The free service provided by the insurance company will be available around the clock for as long as needed.
