
Witnesses in the trial of Dr. Conrad Murray

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On Sept. 27, 2011, the prosecution called its first witness in the trial of Dr. Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson's personal physician, who is charged with involuntary manslaughter in the singer's 2009 death. The jury of seven men and five women is expected to hear five weeks of testimony from witnesses for both the prosecution and defense. Follow the witnesses as they appear before the court.

On Sept. 27, 2011, the prosecution called its first witness in the trial of Dr. Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson's personal physician, who is charged with involuntary manslaughter in the singer's 2009 death. The jury of seven men and five women is expected to hear five weeks of testimony from witnesses for both the prosecution and defense. Follow the witnesses as they appear before the court.

Full coverage of Dr. Conrad Murray's trial

The prosecution

Kenny Ortega ( Al Seib / Los Angeles Times / Pool)

Kenny Ortega

A renowned choreographer and director, Ortega told jurors he had grave concerns about the singer's health and his doctor's conduct.

Paul Gongaware ( Al Seib / Los Angeles Times / Pool)

Paul Gongaware

Co-chief executive of AEG Live and producer on Jackson's ill-fated "This Is It" tour testified that he negotiated the terms when Murray was hired to be Jackson's personal physician.

Kath Jorrie (Al Seib / Los Angeles Times / Pool)

Kathy Jorrie

The attorney who drafted, for AEG, the $150,000-a-month contract under which Murray was to care for Jackson.

Michael Amir Williams (Al Seib / Los Angeles Times / Pool)

Michael Amir Williams

Jackson's personal assistant told jurors that when the singer stopped breathing, Murray called him to say that Jackson had had a "bad reaction."

Faheem Muhammad (Al Seib / Los Angeles Times / Pool)

Faheem Muhammad

The head of Jackson's security team, recalled walking into the upstairs bedroom and seeing Murray with the singer, who was sprawled on the floor.

Alberto Alvarez (Al Seib / Los Angeles Times / Pool)

Alberto Alvarez

Jackson's director of logistics was the first staffer to enter the bedroom where Jackson lay lifeless on June 25, 2009.

Kai Chase (Al Seib / Los Angeles Times / Pool)

Kai Chase

Jackson's personal chef testified that the singer's doctor interrupted her lunch preparation with a panicked cry for help.

Robert William Johnson (Al Seib / Los Angeles Times / Pool)

Robert William Johnson

A representative of Nonin Medical, an equipment manufacturer, told jurors that the pulse and blood-oxygen monitor used by Murray was "not labeled for constant monitoring" of a patient and should have only been used for spot checks.

Robert Russell (Al Seib / Los Angeles Times / Pool)

Robert Russell

A former patient of Dr. Conrad Murray. He testified that he owed the doctor his life after a heart attack, but later felt abandoned and neglected.

Richard Senneff (Al Seib / Los Angeles Times / Pool)

Richard Senneff

One of several paramedics who tried to revive Jackson. He said Murray lied to him about the nature of Jackson's treatment and never mentioned propofol.

Martin Blount (Al Seib / Los Angeles Times / Pool)

Martin Blount

The second emergency worker to testify, Blount said Murray appeared "flustered" and was sweating profusely as he stood over the pop star.Blount and Senneff both testified they never saw any signs of life during the 42 minutes they were with Jackson.

Dr. Richelle Cooper (Al Seib / Los Angeles Times / Pool)

Dr. Richelle Cooper

The emergency room physician told the jury that Murray never mentioned propofol.

Edward Dixon (Mario Anzuoni / Pool)

Edward Dixon

The AT&T representative testified about Murray's cellphone records.

Jeff Strohm (Mario Anzuoni / Reuters / Pool)

Jeff Strohm

The Sprint/Nextel representative confirmed that Murray had a second cellphone with Sprint.

Dr. Thao Nguyen (Mario Anzuoni / Reuters / Pool)

Dr. Thao Nguyen

The cardiologist told jurors Murray never mentioned propofol and said only that he had administered a sedative to the pop star. Nguyen testified that when she pressed Murray for the time he had given Jackson the medication, he said he didn't know.

Dr. Joanne Prashad (Mario Anzuoni / Reuters / Pool)

Dr. Joanne Prashad

The Houston internist told the jury that she called Murray the morning of Jackson's death to discuss a shared patient. Prashad said she was struck by how familiar Murray was with the patient even though he was not in his office or able to review the patient's chart.

Antoinette Gill (Mario Anzuoni / Reuters / Pool)

Antoinette Gill

A patient of Dr. Conrad Murray's.

Consuelo Ng (Mario Anzuoni / Reuters / Pool)

Consuelo Ng

A volunteer at Murray's Las Vegas office.

Bridgette Morgan (Mario Anzuoni / Reuters / Pool)

Bridgette Morgan

Met Murray at a Las Vegas nightclub in 2003. Morgan told jurors that she tried to reach Murray the morning of Jackson's death but he didn't answer his phone.

Stacey Ruggles (Mario Anzuoni / Reuters / Pool)

Stacey Ruggles

An employee at Murray's Houston clinic, Ruggles briefly testified about a phone call with her boss the morning Michael Jackson died.

Michelle Bella (Mario Anzuoni / Reuters / Pool)

Michelle Bella

A former girlfriend, who met Murray at a "social type club" in Las Vegas, testified that she received a text message from the doctor the morning of June 25, 2009, the day Jackson died.

Sade Anding (Mario Anzuoni / Reuters / Pool)

Sade Anding

She was a waitress at a Houston steakhouse when she met Murray. Anding testified that she got a call from Murray at 11:51 a.m. on the morning of Jackson's death. She told jurors that several minutes into the call Murray disappeared from the other end of the line.

Nicole Alvarez (Mario Anzuoni / Reuters / Pool)

Nicole Alvarez

The actress and mother to Murray's toddler son testified that she received seven FedEx packages at her apartment for Murray -- shipments prosecutors have said included large quantities of propofol.

Tim Lopez (Mario Anzuoni / Reuters / Pool)

Tim Lopez

The Las Vegas pharmacist testified that his pharmacy shipped many vials of propofol to Murray at an address in Santa Monica.

Sally Hirschberg (Mario Anzuoni / Reuters / Pool)

Sally Hirschberg

An account representative for a medical supply company, Hirschberg testified about the items Murray purchased through his practice and had shipped to his Las Vegas office.

Stephen Marx (Mario Anzuoni / Reuters / Pool)

Stephen Marx

A computer forensic examiner, Marx testified about the emails he recovered from Murray's iPhone. The jurors also heard the recording of a conversation between Murray and an incoherent Jackson that was also retrieved from Murray's iPhone.

Elissa Fleak (Mario Anzuoni / Reuters / Pool)

Elissa Fleak

An investigator with the Los Angeles County Coroner's office. Fleak testified about the extensive collection of prescription medicines and medical supplies recovered in Jackson's bedroom and closet.

Dan Anderson (Mario Anzuoni / Reuters / Pool)

Dan Anderson

A toxicologist at the Los Angeles County coroner's office, Anderson told jurors about the process of testing and identifying the medicines found in Michael Jackson's body.

Scott Smith (Mario Anzuoni / Reuters / Pool)

Det. Scott Smith

A detective with the Los Angeles Police Department's Robbery-Homicide Division, Smith told jurors about the investigation of Michael Jackson's death.

Christopher Rogers (Robyn Beck / Pool)

Dr. Christopher Rogers

A pathologist at the Los Angeles County coroner's office, Rogers told jurors about the findings of the autopsy he performed on Michael Jackson.

Alon Steinberg (Robyn Beck / Pool)

Dr. Alon Steinberg

The cardiologist told jurors that Dr. Conrad Murray violated the standard of care when treating Michael Jackson.

Nader Kamangar (Robyn Beck / Pool)

Dr. Nader Kamangar

A pulmonary and critical care physician, Kamangar testified about Dr. Conrad Murray's violation of the standard of care in his treatment of pop star Michael Jackson.

Steven Shafer (Robyn Beck / Pool)

Dr. Steven Shafer

A professor of anesthesiology at Columbia University and an expert on propofol. Shafer tells jurors that Dr. Conrad Murray committed 17 'egregious' violations of the standard of care, any of which could have led to the singer's death.

The defense

Dona Norris (Paul Buck / Getty Images)

Dona Norris

The records custodian for the Beverly Hills Police Department testified about the 46-second delay caused in the 911 call from Jackson's home because it was routed through her agency before reaching the Fire Department.

Alexander Supall (Paul Buck / Getty Images)

Alexander Supall

The Los Angeles Police Department surveillance specialist testified about retrieving surveillance camera footage from Jackson's home showing the pop star and Dr. Murray's arrival the night before Jackson's death.

Dan Myers (Paul Buck / Getty Images)

Det. Dan Myers

The LAPD robbery homicide detective told jurors a key prosecution witness, security guard Alberto Alvarez, only mentioned key details about Dr. Murray's alleged cover-up efforts two months after Jackson's death and after the coroner released the cause of death.

Orlando Martinez (Paul Buck / Getty Images)

Det. Orlando Martinez

The LAPD robbery homicide detective told jurors about two sketches security guard Alberto Alvarez made of an IV bag he said Dr. Murray asked him to put away. Defense contends the drawings made a year and half apart are "significantly different."

Allan Metzger (Paul Buck / Getty Images)

Dr. Allan Metzger

The Beverly Hills doctor told jurors Jackson he was "fearful" about his comeback tour. He said two months before his death that Jackson asked for "some form of anesthetic" for his insomnia.

Cherilyn Lee (Paul Buck / Getty Images)

Cherilyn Lee

The "holistic practitioner" testified that she recommended a sleep study and tests to determine why Jackson was having trouble sleeping, but the singer said he "didn't have time for all that."

Amir Dan Rubin (Paul Buck / Getty Images)

Amir Dan Rubin

The hospital executive, who was chief operating officer of the UCLA hospitals at the time, testified that as a press release about Jackson's death was being prepared, Dr. Murray asked that the cause of the star's death be removed saying "it's not known at this time."

Randy Phillips (Paul Buck / Associated Press)

Randy Phillips

The chief executive for AEG Live testified that no one in the company ever contemplated pulling the plug on Jackson's "This Is It" concert comeback. He was prohibited by the judge from testifying on many of the areas the defense hoped to probe.

Michael Henson (Paul Buck / Getty Images)

Michael Henson

The toxicologist testified about lab tests his company performed for the defense. He acknowledged that the initial levels found of the sedative lorazepam in Jackson's stomach contents were higher than the actual amount of the drug.

Andrew Guest (Paul Buck / Getty Images)

Andrew Guest

Murray's patient, a character witness, testified, "I'm alive today because of that man."

Gerry Causey (Paul Buck / Associated Press)

Gerry Causey

A patient and friend of Murray's, Causey said that Murray was a patient and conscientious doctor who spent a lot of time with him. One appointment lasted 4.5 hours, Causey testified.

Lunette Sampson (Paul Buck / Getty Images)

Lunette Sampson

A patient at Murray's Las Vegas practice, Sampson said Murray did not rush procedures and devoted significant time to caring for people.

Dennis Hix (Paul Buck / Getty Images)

Dennis Hix

The patient testified that Murray performed a stent procedure for free and was the best doctor he has ever had.

Ruby Mosley (Paul Buck / EPA)

Ruby Mosley

A patient at Murray's Houston clinic, the 82-year-old woman testified that Murray set up a clinic in a low-income neighborhood in Houston in honor of his father, a longtime physician. She disputed the prosecution's claims that he was a money-grubbing doctor.

Robert Waldman (Paul Buck / Getty Images)

Robert Waldman

An addiction expert, Waldman testified that Jackson was dependent on the painkiller Demerol and "probably addicted to opiods."

Paul White (Paul Buck / Getty Images)

Dr. Paul White

The anesthesiology expert testified that Jackson probably caused his own death by injecting himself with propofol while Murray wasn't looking.

Credits: Sarah Ardalani, Armand Emamdjomeh, Maloy Moore
