
Kinsley had his fans as well as his critics

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Re “Kinsley Leaves The Times,” Sept. 14

I’m sorry to see Michael Kinsley leave The Times.

During his brief tenure as editorial and opinion editor, he at least made efforts to give the slipping paper a sharper voice. Because he at times drew fire from both conservatives and liberals, his positions were well placed, and loudmouthed charges of bias are nonsense. He knew that a responsible newspaper needs to have a mind as well as a voice.

I hope The Times will continue to run Kinsley’s weekly column. I also hope that his replacement, [editorial page editor] Andres Martinez, will focus more on Los Angeles and local issues that have received inadequate attention in recent years.


Studio City



Thank goodness Kinsley is leaving. We were about to cancel our subscription, but now there is hope that the former high standards of the editorial page will return. You have come to your senses.


Mission Viejo
