
Obama claims Romney campaign message can fit ‘on a tweet’

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WASHINGTON – President Obama said last week that the Republican message could fit on a bumper sticker. On Tuesday, he brought that classic political dig into the 21st century.

“You can pretty much put their campaign on a tweet and have some characters to spare,” Obama told a group of donors at a fundraiser in Maryland.

Obama has been struggling to get his own economic message across, making some Democrats increasingly nervous. Aides said he’ll make a new attempt on Thursday in a speech aimed at framing the differences between his economic policy and that of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

For now, the president is going after Republicans for what he dismisses as simplistic message and one that preys on people’s anxiety about the economy.

“The good news is, the American people generally agree with our vision. If you just put it in front of them, issue after issue, and you present the Democratic approach and the Republican approach, we win,” Obama said Tuesday. “The challenge is because folks are still hurting right now, the other side feels that it’s enough for them to just sit back and say, ‘Things aren’t as good as they should be and it’s Obama’s fault.’”

Of course, simple isn’t necessarily bad when it comes to political campaigns, as several politicos noted Tuesday.

Some had a suggestion for the president: Get his economic message down to 140 characters or fewer.

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