
Readers React: Shame on L.A. voters for their dismal turnout

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To the editor: It is really appalling that more than 90% of registered voters in Los Angeles chose not to vote in Tuesday’s election. (“L.A. election demonstrates the power of the few,” March 4)

You know who you are, and you ought to be ashamed of yourselves. By not voting, you allow yourselves to be represented by insiders and those supported by outside interests.

Los Angeles’ City Council District 4 is an excellent example. There, the two top vote getters were Carolyn Ramsay, who worked for outgoing Councilman Tom LaBonge, and David Ryu, who was mentioned as one of the three candidates receiving support from outside the district. They both vastly outspent third-place candidate Tomas O’Grady, who was only 61 votes behind Ryu.


We want change, but this isn’t the way to get it. There is no excuse for not voting; it is so easy to do by mail if you don’t want to leave your home.

Jim Fox, Hollywood


To the editor: So, fewer than 10% of eligible voters chose to either go to the polls or return their absentee ballots in Tuesday’s election.


Some members of the media might attribute this to apathy, but I think it’s something wholly different: voter disgust.

Anne Proffit, Long Beach


To the editor: I received more than 3 pounds of campaign material related to the recent election, most of which was related to the City Council race in District 4. The two heaviest candidates sent about 9 ounces each; the smallest pile weighed about 1 ounce. The most mail came from two people who did not make the runoff.


Now, I am left shredding the addresses off the fliers before putting them in the recycle bin. What message does this send regarding the sensitivities of the candidates to environmental and time waste?

Rebecca Pietras, Sherman Oaks

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