
Readers React: Offended by Loretta Sanchez’s ‘war cry’? Grow up.

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To the editor: Why are Americans today so thin skinned and so politically correct in everything? It has come to the point that no politician can express an honest feeling or opinion without being attacked for being racially insensitive. (“Democratic convention: Loretta Sanchez apologizes for Native American ‘war cry,’” May 17)

Personally, I cannot fathom why the gesture by Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-Santa Ana) of a “war cry” can be offensive to Native Americans, since this signifies a heroic gesture and not a shameful act.

Although I am not a supporter of Sanchez’s U.S. Senate candidacy, I believe she has been treated unfairly and should not have been asked to apologize.


We need more spontaneous and truthful politicians like Sanchez and not wooden and calculated ones like Hillary Rodham Clinton. To those who object to the war cry gesture, I say get a life.

John T. Chiu, Newport Beach


To the editor: It is obvious that Sanchez does not have enough common sense or decorum to give some thought before speaking in public. It was very disappointing to see and hear her acting so foolish on Saturday by speaking to a gathering of Indian American Democrats and doing the Native American “war cry.”


I strongly suggest that she withdraw from the Senate race and enroll in sensitivity training as soon as possible.

J.R. Flores, Huntington Beach

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