
Opinion: Bill O’Reilly’s firing finally puts men on notice

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To the editor: Finally, an accused sexual predator gets some accountability. (“Fox News ratings could take a big hit with the firing of Bill O’Reilly, its biggest star,” April 19

Former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly and his ilk, which includes his friend President Trump, will never be contrite for the damage they’ve done. But thanks to the courageous women who brought O’Reilly down, a shot has been fired over the bow.

Men who abuse their power to bully and allegedly harass professional women are on notice, even the president. What a great day for women and girls, and for all who value them.


Wendy Blais, North Hills


To the editor: It’s leftist wishful thinking that Fox News will be substantially damaged by O’Reilly’s departure. It remains the only televised alternative to the phenomenally biased “mainstream” media.

As for O’Reilly, it’s easy to believe he’s either guilty as charged (money and power apparently can corrupt just about anybody) or entirely innocent (activists on the left might tell any lie and hurt anybody to advance their cause).


People like O’Reilly would be well advised to emulate Vice President Mike Pence, who purportedly refuses to be alone with a woman who is not his wife — extreme perhaps, but probably necessary in today’s political climate.

Patrick M. Dempsey, Granada Hills


To the editor: Much has already been written about the firing of O’Reilly, but one paragraph at the end of your article really stands out. It says that he “often decried the loss of what he called traditional American values that he believed in while growing up in a modest household in the Long Island suburbs during the 1950s and ’60s.”


Really? In his world American values apparently include sexual harassment.

What a hypocrite he is. In the future, I hope no woman ever accepts an invitation to join him as he wraps himself in the American flag and eats his apple pie.

Peggy Jo Abraham, Santa Monica


To the editor: Fox News did not let O’Reilly go because he was accused of sexually harassing women. Fox let him go because it was revealed he had been accused of sexually harassing women.

There is a difference.

Kelly Gallagher, Santa Ana

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