
Another Hooters fan enters the fray

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Susan Spano’s story “Hooters Air Gimmick Appears to Be Just Skin Deep” (Her World, June 1) was full of personal, inexperienced opinions. If she’s never eaten at the restaurant, how can she pass on a critique of it to the public?

My wife, our kids and I have eaten at Hooters restaurants regularly since the mid-’90s, and we have had excellent food and service each time. I am offended when I read an opinion from some loudmouthed, sheltered journalist who has no business bashing a great American restaurant. Hooters restaurants may not be to Spano’s liking, but millions like them just fine.

At the restaurants, there’s a sign: “Delightfully Tacky, Yet Unrefined.” By reading that you should know that the restaurants aren’t trying to be five-star, prim and proper. I think this slogan speaks for the airline too.


Scott E. Littlejohn

Clayton, N.C.
