
Boys’ soccer: Cabrillo’s mobile fans could have been the difference


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Couldn’t help but noticed there were two team buses parked outside Crespi prior to the start of Tuesday’s playoff game, so I asked Jaguars’ Coach Pat Noyes, what’s the deal?

He told me one of the buses was for the team and the other was for the 60 to 70 fans the team hauled into the San Fernando Valley for the big playoff game. The two-bus strategy paid off as the Cabrillo fans out-shouted their Crespi contemporaries, cheering on the Jaguars to a 2-1 Cabrillo victory in the second round of the Division I playoffs.


‘We usually have 1,000 fans when we’re a home,’ Noyes said. ‘But it’s great to have them come with us on road games. It’s almost like playing at home.’

Here’s a little sample of what Cabrillo brought with them on Tuesday:

-- Austin Knoblauch
