
It seems understandable that Elizabeth Taylor-Hilton-Wilding-Todd-Fisher-Burton-Burton-Warner would...

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Compiled by the Fashion85 staff

It seems understandable that Elizabeth Taylor-Hilton-Wilding-Todd-Fisher-Burton-Burton-Warner would link up with the man who outfits Krystle and Alexis. After all, Taylor’s real life hasbeen soapier than the fictional lives of either of those two. In fact, Liz could probably be theprototype for a series of her own.

So we weren’t shocked when “Dynasty” designer Nolan Miller told us the other day that he’s designing Liz’s wardrobe (suits, cocktail outfits, evening gowns) for the upcoming inaugural festivities in Washington. And that she’ll wear a Nolan Miller dress and coat when she marries her latest fiance, Dennis Stein.

“I’ve waited all my life for this,” Miller gushed. “It’s the fruition of a 30-year fantasy. She’s been my idol for that long.” How does she look? “Her waist is 24 inches again. Her hair is rather dark, with some blonde streaks. She looks fantastic and says that she feels the same.”


Ivan (pronounced Yvonne) Lendl, the Czech tennis superstar, has five dogs, three homes, a fine-art collection and no inheritance or guaranteed annual salary. He simply plays great tennis--for fun and profit. In the process, he earned about $5 million last year. “That’s about $23,000 a day, five days a week, all year long,” says Dave Fogelson of Adidas, the firm that recently signed Lendl to promote a new line of Adidas tennis clothes. Adidas is likewise promoting Lendl--with a series of press releases that leave practically nothing to the imagination. From them, Listen learned that Lendl has retained his Czech citizenship but lives in Connecticut “in a modest clapboard house soon to be relinquished for a more formidable home in the same suburb”; he visits his parents in Prague several times a year “but soon departs”; he collects Czech glassware and posters. And, of course, he “dresses in Adidas from tip to toe.” We thought you’d like to know.

Tatum O’Neal and expectant mother Farrah Fawcett teamed up to take on the Christmas shopping rush together and turned up at the Jones boutique. Mike Vasquez of Jones tells us that Tatum bought things for herself--a black felt hat by U.B.U and two P.X. tops, cropped and sweat shirt-y. Farrah, a regular at Jones, wasn’t buying for Farrah that day. Listen hears that lately she’s shopping for little things. At Les Enfants she picked up some stretchy pajamas and a white receiving blanket, shop owner Jeanette Ouazanan says.

Edd Jacobs,owner of Somper furs in Beverly Hills, called to say what a Merry Christmas this has been for him--fur-wise, that is. When he had to step away from the phone momentarily and pressed the hold button, Listen got an earful of Lionel Richie crooning one of his latest hits. We wondered if perhaps Jacobs was trying to tell us something. “We only play our patrons on the hold button--Richie, Kenny Rogers,” Jacobs laughed. “Now if I could get R. J. Wagner to sing.” Wagner, by the way, bought a lynx coat for his pal Jill St. John, while Richie and Rogers both scooped up fox coats. Richie gave one to his wife, and Rogers and his wife picked up six as gifts for friends.


Teri Garr is changing her look--from the shaggy-haired aspiring actress in “Tootsie” to a pert-and-perm type for her next movie. Garr’s new style features a short, curly-top haircut that she wears with just one dress--strapless, pink and floor length--throughout the entire film. Hair stylist Karin Boursier of the Menage a Trois salon crafted the cut while on location with Garr and co-star Tom Conti in Mexico City and Puerto Vallarta. “I changed Teri’s hair style completely,” Boursier says. “It’s very sophisticated, at least in the beginning of the movie.” Fans who liked the shaggy version of Garr may be happy to know that her sophisticated style is short lived. By the end of the story, Boursier tells us, the comedienne has been kidnaped, held hostage and rained on. And, “She doesn’t look sophisticated anymore.”

Is there life after Guess? jeans? We asked George Marciano, who designs the ubiquitous play clothes for grown-ups, and he says yes. Marciano’s new baby is C.O.D., a collection of shorts, tank tops and sweat clothes, among other things. “A lot of people think Guess? only makes jeans,” Karen Weise, Marciano’s press liaison, explains. “The new line pulls away from the blue-jeans image.” It’s being launched at MGA, the Guess?-boosting boutiques, by the chain’s president Paul Marciano, George’s brother.
