
President Gets a Free Lunch Along With Key to Capitol; Offers to Share

United Press International

President Reagan received a key to the Capitol during his inaugural luncheon Monday and quipped to House Speaker Thomas P. (Tip) O’Neill Jr. (D-Mass.) that he could “feel free to borrow it anytime.”

The key, apparently the first given to a President, is more symbolic than practical. It is for the 10-ton bronze Columbus doors, which were retired from use in 1871 and put on display on the east entrance to the Rotunda.

House Republican leader Robert H. Michel (R-Ill.) gave the key to Reagan during a luncheon in Statuary Hall, which used to be the House chamber and was the location of the “beautiful bronze doors.”


“As you know, the Speaker pretty well controls this side of the Capitol,” Michel said. “In the event you want to come up sometime, for some reason, for whatever, here’s a key to the Capitol.”
