
J. F. Crowley Dies; S.F. Labor Leader

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San Francisco Labor Council leader John F. Crowley, 61, regarded as one of the top organized labor figures in the Bay Area, has died unexpectedly in Shanghai of a stomach hemorrhage. He had been ill with cancer for several years.

Victor Van Bourg, attorney for the council, said Crowley died Sunday while on a combined business-vacation visit to China.

Crowley was secretary-treasurer of the San Francisco Labor Council, which represents about 100,000 members of the AFL-CIO in the city. He also was appointed in 1978 to the California State University Board of Trustees.


William R. Robertson, head of the Los Angeles County Labor Federation, said Crowley “was highly respected in both labor and management circles through the state.” San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein said Crowley was “an inspiration to all who care about justice, equality and fairness in the workplace.”

And John F. Henning, head of the California AFL-CIO, said Crowley “earned universal respect for his abilities as a negotiator and a man of integrity.”

Crowley leaves his wife, Geraldine, and six children.
