
New Law Would Ban Sleeping in Vehicles

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The City Council gave preliminary approval Tuesday to an ordinance that would prohibit people from sleeping overnight in vehicles in residential areas.

Under the ordinance, which comes up for final approval in two weeks, the police can order a person to move a vehicle from a residential area between midnight and 5 a.m., and the vehicle must be moved within 30 minutes.

Some council members called the plan unenforceable. They said that people could simply move to another residential area until the police came along again.


City Atty. Robert M. Myers said the purpose of the ordinance is not to ban sleeping in residential areas but to give police the power to move someone from a residential area.

Police Chief James Keane said that his department receives roughly a call a week from residents complaining about people sleeping in vehicles.

The City Council also gave final approval to an ordinance that regulates smoking in public places and in the workplace.


Under the ordinance, employers will have to draft no-smoking policies within 5 1/2 months and present the policies in writing to employees. The ordinance requires employers to provide a “smoke-free” work environment

It exempts bars and restaurants, businesses with five or fewer employees and companies in which all employees are smokers.

The ordinance protects employees who request enforcement of the provisions from retaliation or discrimination by employers.


The City Council appropriated $2,500 to No Oil Inc., nonprofit group of Pacific Palisades residents challenging the Occidental Petroleum oil drilling proposal in court. Council members said they were concerned about Occidental proposals to transport oil from the Pacific Palisades drill site by building a pipeline through Santa Monica.
