
Hollywood Razzle-Dazzle Due in S.F.

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San Francisco is staging a Hollywood event. And San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein will be there among the kleig lights, joining producers Albert R. Broccoli and Michael G. Wilson and a raft of stars for the world premiere of the latest James Bond thriller, “A View to Kill.” All the glamour and glitz will come together on May 22 at the San Francisco Palace of Fine Arts Theatre.

Suave Roger Moore who has been playing Bond, the super intelligence agent, for lo these many years, will be there along with other cast members Tanya Roberts and villains Grace Jones and Christopher Walken, plus John Barry, who composed “A View’s” music, and director John Glen. To add still more razzmatazz to the black-tie evening, Duran Duran, the musical group that has recorded the film’s title song, will join the dazzling mix of more than 1,000 Hollywood types and S.F. socialites who’ll begin the night at an international buffet at the theater beginning at 6 p.m.

The premiere party’s proceeds will go to the Mayor’s Youth Fund for the funding for two new full-day child care centers in San Francisco’s Tenderloin area.


Christie’s, the auction house, took Mrs. Dennis Stanfill into its fold at a fashionable black-tie dinner party at the Bistro Garden Pavilion earlier in the week. Now Christie’s representative on the West Coast, Terry Stanfill positively sparkled in a dress with sequined bodice and pretty pink sash, and declared her silver auctioneer’s gavel, received from Christie’s in America director Perry T. Rathbone, was “better than an Oscar.” She also admitted to having “auction fever” ever since she attended her first one 34 years ago. Rathbone, a former director of museums in St. Louis and Boston, was, in his words, a “stand in” for host Christopher Burge, Christie’s president, who at the last moment had taken ill in New York and missed the party.

At tables with masses of lilacs, roses from the Stanfills’ garden, ranunculus, tulips and other blooms (arranged by Milo Bixby in floral-patterned Chinese bowls), collectors and appreciators like Terry’s husband, Dennis, Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert, Betsy Bloomingdale, Francie Brody, Rupert Allan, the Norman Barkers, Jean and William French Smith, Joan and John Hotchkis chatted with such Christie’s experts as Peter Krueger (French and Continental furniture), Russell Fogarty (jewelry), Michael Findlay (Impressionist and modern paintings), Anthony Derham (Oriental art) and Hillary Holland who pulled the party together.

Busily chatting it up were Earle and Marion Jorgensen, Ray Doigt (Dennis’ business associate) with Fifi Booth, Stan and Ernestine Avery, Tim and Nancy Vreeland, the Bernard Greenbergs, Gale Hayman (in a red-beaded Fabrice dress) accompanied by Igor Stalew, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawenda, Helen Arana, Frank McCarthy, Bunny (the best exercise teacher in town, according to her pals) and Clarence Fleming, John Lincoln, Mrs. Vincente Minnelli with Jack Haley Jr. (both were in Adolfo suits; his conservatively black, hers a bolder black-and-gold brocade), Jane and director George Sidney, Anthony and Elizabeth Duquette (she had a rousing success with her exhibition of paintings in El Paso), Ruth and Hutton Wilkinson, the Malcolm Stuarts, Gerald and Virginia Oppenheimer, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Moses, attorney Edward Landry and his wife, the David Watts and Charles Lockwood.


Friends of the Junior Arts Center will focus on the wines of the Mendocino area at the Twelfth Annual Wine Seminar at the Sheraton Grande Hotel next Friday. John Parducci, of Parducci Wine Cellars, is the wine maker being honored that night. In addition to the scholarly seminar, there will be wine tastings, of course, a drawing for some special wines and a “Dusty Bottle” silent auction, an opportunity for wine lovers to add some rare bottles to their cellars.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Marks are patrons for the evening, which will benefit many of the Junior Arts Center’s programs. And the committee putting the whole thing together includes Anna Clark, Jennifer Fain, Charo Goodan, Melanie Harewood, Dennis Hightower, Carlotta Keely, Jackee Marks, Cynthia Norian and Sue Patrick. Nathan Chroman, who writes about wines for The Times, is acting as a special consultant.

Red Letter Days: Sunday when French Consul General Francois Mouton hosts a late-night reception for French singer-composer Gilbert Becaud after his concert at the Beverly Theatre.


Saturday when Elaine Chichester serves New Orleans gumbo at a birthday lunch for Coca-Cola Bottling executive Lucille Boswell.

Oct. 12 for Mrs. Marvin Davis’ Eighth Annual Carousel Ball benefiting the Children’s Diabetes Foundation at Denver. Kenny Rogers will be the star attraction--for the second time.

May 5 for artist Brooke Pattengill’s Cinco de Mayo brunch at her new flower-filled home.

The Social Scramble: Mrs. F. Daniel Frost will be attending Tuesday’s lunch at the White House representing her mother, Mrs. Norman Chandler, who is one of 12 recipients of the first National Medal of the Arts.

Parfums Stern celebrated the launch of Perry Ellis’ perfume in Los Angeles with a cocktail party for the fashion designer and Bullock’s executives and associates in the refurbished lobby of the downtown Fine Arts building. Then Bullock’s Chairman Allen Questrom and his wife, Kelli, took the Stern clan--Milton, Bernice and Michael--to dinner at the nearby Rex Il Ristorante. A few days later, the Questroms were enjoying an outing of a different sort, watching the Toyota Grand Prix in Long Beach as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Penske whose March CZ-3, with Danny Sullivan at the wheel, ran out of gas on the last lap and two seconds behind the winner Mario Andretti.

For the record: Geoffrey Claflin Rusack and Alison Elizabeth Wrigley will be married next month at All Saints Church in Pasadena.
