
UC Berkeley Chancellor to Be Honored

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Times Staff Writer

The John Maechlings and the Stephen Aschers have reserved the South Terrace of the Huntington Gallery for the Cal Parents’ special reception May 9 honoring Chancellor and Mrs. Ira Michael Heyman of UC Berkeley.

With cocktails and hors d’oeuvres from 5 to 7:30, there will be a tad of time to peruse the Art Gallery and the Botanical Gardens in San Marino and cozy in for Bear talk.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Middlekauff of the Huntington and the Richard Keatinges will be honorary co-chairmen.


The committee of loyalists includes the Richard Batelles, the James Cherrys, the James Dickasons, the Hugh Grants, the Michael Hechts, the Hugh Maguires, the Thomas McCutchans, the Kingston McKees, the Duncan Shaws, the Arthur Withrows II, and Susan Campoy, Judith Holt and Sheldyn Lee Ascher.

Whittier College’s John Greenleaf Whittier Society always manages to buttonhole a timely speaker for its annual dinner: Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, is the headliner May 24 at a black-tie-optional dinner at the Century Plaza.

Kirkpatrick follows in the footsteps of former President Gerald Ford and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.


Whittier College President Eugene S. Mills and the trustees host the third annual event. Harold S. Voegelin is chairman of the society. Dinner co-chairmen are William H. Marumoto and Anthony R. Pierno.

Walter F. Bauer, Encino resident and chairman and chief executive of Informatics General Corp., one of the largest independent computer software companies (with revenues of more than $200 million), receives the Spirit of Life award from the City of Hope on Saturday in the Century Room of the Century Plaza Tower.

He’s being honored by the High Technology Industry for the City of Hope, a new support group.


Erwin Tomash and Dan McGurk are co-chairmen.

Bauer, who holds a doctorate in mathematics from the University of Michigan, is chairman of Southern California Technology Executives Network and is the campaign chairman for United Way, Region I. He served on the advisory panel of the Institute of Computer Services and Technology of the National Bureau of Standards and is chairman of the Charles Babbage Foundation, an organization dedicated to the history of computing.

Opera Associates have chosen Cinco de Mayo--May 5--for their luncheon and spring meeting at the Los Angeles Athletic Club. Baritone Don Christensen will perform.

Rita Moreno, Olive in “The Odd Couple” at the Ahmanson Theatre, is the choice of Center Theatre Group-Volunteers for a luncheon May 1 at Pips in Beverly Hills, according to president Judy Beckmen.

Vice president Lynda Stiller coordinates the luncheon, assisted by Coty Faulkner and Carolyn Fried.

Chef Otto Cloetto at Jimmy’s in Beverly Hills will demonstrate cuisine Wednesday when the Los Angeles Adoption Guild Regents host their 17th annual benefit fashion luncheon.

President Joan Stephen and Eleanor Schultz are tying up details for the event supporting Holy Family Services (counseling and adoption).


Abracadabras, black hats, white rabbits and bags full of tricks will be captivating parents and friends of Campbell Hall at their Highland Fling on May 4 at the Ballroom at the Beverly Wilshire.

Pulling out tricks are chairman Mrs. Terry Hill; co-chairman Mrs. Thomas Reeder. So are Mmes. Edward Gelb, Bruce Bilson, Robert Sutton.

The event is sponsored by the Campbell Hall Parent-Teachers Council. Proceeds go to the Campaign for Campbell Hall, a $2.6-million building effort for a gym and performing arts center.

Last year the party wizardry netted $44,000.

The word is that everyone survived the Hollywood Party, a spoof co-hosted by the adventurous Louise Reich, Danzey Treanor and Susan Kranwinkle in Pasadena.

What you want from a guest speaker is illumination. March Fong Eu, California’s secretary of state, will be chief illuminator at Vivian Webb School’s Women in Leadership Series on Monday, addressing her audience on “Women’s Issues: Political Aspects.”

And Dr. George Stoneman speaks on “Los Angeles, 100 Years Ago” May 2 when the Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center Auxiliary plans its annual awards meeting and luncheon at the Harry Chandler Auditorium and salon of Times Mirror.


Two Spanish colonials in the Claremont foothills are featured in the seventh annual Showcase of Interior Design, a fund-raiser benefiting Children’s Home Society of California, Claremont Auxiliary.

Mrs. Charles Job, president, says the home tours at 4506 and 4508 Live Oak Drive in Claremont begin Saturday and continue through Mother’s Day, May 12, planned by Mmes. Howard Friend and Rolfe Arnhym. The duo will launch the affair with a preview “Moonlight Madness” party Friday.

The first recorded individual landowner of what is now Live Oak Drive was Frank Evans, who, in about 1884, was granted most of the tract by the federal government as a homestead. Subsequently, some of the property was sold to Thompson Webb and was the beginning of Webb School.

We jumped the date on that celebration of the Fountain Club at California State University, Los Angeles, honoring Associate Vice President Roger L. Rodzen. It’s Saturday.

The Golden Key Foundation of Reiss-Davis Child Study Center is revving up for a Monte Carlo Gala on Friday at the Century Plaza. Ronnie Kassan is party chairman. Ruth Kraft is casino chief chair.

Proceeds will provide diagnosis and treatment for emotionally disturbed children and their families.


And speaking of chairs and chairmen, and chairwomen and chairpersons and chairkids, here’s a little memo we picked up from the Los Angeles Junior League, reprinting from the Junior League of Montreal:

“The 20th convention of the National Assn. of Parliamentarians passed the following resolution:

“Whereas, Parliamentary Law has a language all its own; and whereas, in olden times the one presiding was the only person provided with a chair, while others sat on benches, hence he was called the chairman; and whereas, since time immemorial, the term ‘Mister Chairman’ or ‘Madam Chairman’ has always been employed to differentiate between the sexes; and whereas, further effort toward sex differentiation is redundant and contrived; now therefore be it resolved that organizations and parliamentarians of the National Assn. of Parliamentarians must use the term Chairman instead of Chairperson and be it resolved that all N.A.P. members should habitually stress the principle that the word Chairman belongs to the title of the office the same as the title of president or secretary.”

Don’t fall off the bench over this.
