
My Best Recipe : A Family Favorite With a Simple Start and a Hearty Finish

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“This dish has been a great favorite with my guests and family,” Ellen N. Crawford writes. “Serve the steak with a green salad, baked potatoes and garlic French bread.”


1 medium flank steak


Butter or margarine

Finely chopped chives or parsley

Trim meat of fat and membrane. Clip around edges about 1/2 inch into meat at 3-inch intervals. Place in shallow glass baking dish or stainless steel bowl. Pour Marinade over steak. Let stand at least 8 hours or overnight in refrigerator, turning occasionally.

Remove steak from Marinade, pat dry. Place on broiler rack about 2 to 3 inches from heat source. Broil 1 1/2 minutes on each side. Place steak on cutting board. Butter top lightly and let stand few minutes. Slice across grain in very thin slices and transfer to heated platter. Sprinkle with chives or parsley. Pour over pan juices. Makes 4 servings.



1/2 cup Worcestershire sauce

1/2 cup water

1/2 cup rice wine or very dry cocktail Sherry

1/2 cup light soy sauce

2 large cloves garlic, coarsely sliced or lightly crushed

2 small bay leaves, crumbled

1 to 1 1/2 dried red chiles, cut in half

1-inch piece ginger, peeled and coarsely sliced, optional

Combine Worcestershire, water, wine, soy sauce, garlic, bay leaves, chiles and ginger. Mix well. Makes about 2 cups.

The Times pays $10 for readers’ recipes published. Send an unusual and unpublished recipe to My Best Recipe, Food Section, The Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles 90053. Write how you got the recipe and include your name, telephone number and address. Recipes become the property of The Times and will not be returned. Allow three weeks for payment after publication.
