
Equivalent Measures for Eggs

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Times Staff Writer

Question: I froze a big batch of leftover egg whites but now I’m in a quandary as to how many egg whites there are in the jar. I’ve done this with egg yolks before, and just solved it by simply guessing the amount. What I would like to have in my files is a table of equivalent cup measures for eggs, whole ones as well as whites and yolks. Do you have such a thing?

Answer: Here is a table of equivalent measures in large eggs taken from “The New Putting Food By” by Ruth Hertzberg, Beatrice Vaughan and Janet Greene:

1 tablespoon stirred egg yolk: 1 egg yolk

2 tablespoons stirred egg white: 1 egg white

3 tablespoons mixed egg whites and yolks: 1 whole egg

1 cup whole mixed eggs: 5 whole eggs

1 pint mixed whole eggs: 10 whole eggs

1 pint stirred whites: 16 whites

1 pint stirred yolks: 24 yolks

Q: If I’m making cookies or a cake that calls for one egg and I make a half recipe, should I make other changes because I’m using a whole egg? In baking a half-recipe should I modify the time to any extent?


A: Although wasteful, an egg may be cut in half for accuracy in a recipe. Break the egg into a cup and beat it with a fork. Measure the whole egg and measure off half--about 1 1/2 tablespoons.

If you want to use the whole egg, reduce the amount of liquid in the recipe by 1 1/2 tablespoons. There is no need to change the baking time for cookies or muffins unless you are making smaller-size ones. For breads or cakes that are to baked in smaller pans, cut the baking time by one-quarter to one-third. Always test for doneness by inserting a wood pick in the center to see if it comes out dry.

Q: Please give me some tips in storing leftover uncooked eggs, particularly whites and yolks. Can these be frozen? Also, how should eggs be thawed?


A: Leftover eggs, whole or separated, will keep in the refrigerator for two to three days. Beyond that period, store them in the freezer. It is best to freeze eggs in small batches. Before freezing, stir the eggs, yolks or whites, then store them in an airtight container. Avoid getting bubbles in the whites when stirring since air will dry the whites. To prevent yolks from coagulating when stored, gently stir in 1/2 teaspoon salt or 1 teaspoon granulated sugar for every six yolks. Label and use the salted yolks in savory dishes, and the sweetened ones in dessert recipes.

In the new Fannie Farmer Baking book, author Marion Cunningham gives the following tip for freezing egg yolks.

She writes: “It is more unorthodox, but it is practical because you can measure the exact number of yolks you need while they are still frozen. Remove the eggs you want to separate, then cut the empty section from the carton. Place a good-size sheet of plastic wrap over the open empty carton and press it into each cup. Drop a yolk into each plastic-lined niche. Fold the end of the plastic wrap over the yolks and crease the edges to seal. Place in the freezer until needed. To use, pop out half the number of yolks you’ll need and let them thaw (they will be thick and pasty). Then stir in an equal number of fresh yolks, and you will have yolks just as smooth as unfrozen yolks, which you can use in any recipe.”


Thaw eggs in the refrigerator; a pint container may take up to 10 hours. To reduce the thawing period, thaw in cold running water. Avoid thawing frozen eggs by warming of any kind since the higher heat could continue the growth of salmonella, which if present, due to improper handling, is not destroyed in freezing. Never refreeze thawed eggs.

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