
People : Orange County Man Named to Hispanic Liaison Post by Deukmejian

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Gaddi Vasquez was named Hispanic Liaison for Gov. George Deukmejian’s Office of Community Relations. In his new position, Vasquez, who lives in Orange, will work out of the governor’s offices in Sacramento and Los Angeles on issues of concern to the Latino community.

Vasquez, a former police officer for the City of Orange and later a city planning commissioner, also served as an aide to Supervisor Bruce Nestande for four years. Most recently he worked for Southern California Edison in Santa Ana as area manager, and last fall he ran unsuccessfully for a seat on the Orange City Council. He is 30, speaks Spanish, is married and has one daughter.

Popular Laguna Beach High School Principal Robert Hughes, 54, will retire after 10 years at the school, effective Jan. 1, 1986. Commenting on his impending free time, Hughes said that he has no definite plans but will travel and take up other activities to stay busy. Before coming to Laguna, Hughes was principal at Lincoln Middle School for 1 1/2 years, Corona del Mar High School for 12 years and Newport Harbor High School two years. “I’m very optimistic about the future,” Hughes said.


The Senate Rules Committee recommended confirmation of the governor’s appointment of Ted Finster as a member of the state Water Resources Control Board. Finster, a retired sanitary engineer from Corona del Mar, replaces Falih Aljibury an appointee of former Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. Finster’s term will expire in January, 1988.

Journalist Charlayne Hunter-Gault will speak at 8 p.m. Tuesday at UC Irvine’s Fine Arts Theatre. Hunter-Gault is now in her eighth year as a correspondent for public television’s “The MacNeil-Lehrer Report.” For ticket information call 856-6379.

August Lobato Jr. is the recipient of the $1,000 Steve Lyle Memorial Scholarship for excellence in drama. Lobato is a drama student at UC Irvine and has appeared in multiple college productions and in South Coast Repertory’s touring production of “Second Lives.” The memorial honors a former UCI student who received his bachelor’s degree in drama and was killed in an automobile accident in 1984.
