
Finn’s Bill on Smoking Passes 1st Council Test

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Times Staff Writer

Despite the ridicule of some of his colleagues, northeast San Fernando Valley Councilman Howard Finn on Wednesday won tentative Los Angeles City Council approval for an ordinance requiring restaurants and stores to post signs at their entrances showing whether they permit smoking.

“We’re getting more cuckoo every day,” groused Councilman Gilbert Lindsay, an opponent of the measure.

Councilman Dave Cunningham ridiculed the proposed law as “utterly stupid” and predicted it would make the Los Angeles council “the laughingstock of the country.”


The 8-5 vote was the bare majority needed to order the city attorney to draft the proposed ordinance. The measure must come back to the council for another vote before going on to Mayor Tom Bradley for his approval.

Recent Ordinance

The council recently passed a law requiring regulation of smoking-free environments in the workplace. But there is no law against smoking in dining areas of restaurants, although many restaurants voluntarily provide no-smoking sections. Smoking is prohibited in grocery stores and a few other places, such as elevators and theaters.

Finn said his proposal would not prohibit smoking where it is now allowed. He said that it only would require restaurants and stores that allow smoking to post signs saying so. Places that prohibit smoking would not be required to post signs.


Finn, a non-smoker, said he personally is bothered when he sits in a restaurant without a clear smoking policy, such as a no-smoking section, and “smoke is coming in my direction.”

“People who are offended by smoking have a right to know when they are going somewhere whether they can anticipate it,” he said. “Everybody who goes anywhere in public has a right not to be offended by what’s going on.”

Enforcement Problem

Cunningham argued that enforcement of the law would draw police from more serious crimes.

“No wonder we can’t get any dope dealers,” he said. “We’re busy passing these stupid laws that take up our police time.”


Valley council members voting for the measure were Finn, Ernani Bernardi, Marvin Braude, Joy Picus and Joel Wachs; Hal Bernson voted against it.

In a related development, Picus asked the council to support legislation sponsored by Assemblywoman Marian W. La Follette (R-Northridge) to require no-smoking areas in airports and in bus and train depots, and prohibit smoking in ticket lines there.

Picus’ request was referred to the council’s Intergovernmental Relations Committee for a recommendation.
