
Arguments Are Bunk

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It is encouraging to read that there is that capacity for intelligent analysis of issues of inequality in wages for women. “Comparable Worth: Worthy Bid for Fairness” (John F. Lawrence, May 19) was the best I have read. The controversy over inequality in overall salaries as demonstrated by statistics indicating women are paid less than two-thirds the salaries of men in the same position was distinguished from the concept of comparable worth of various essential services.

The explanation most frequently mentioned--that unequal salaries are justified because women may interrupt careers for families--is pure bunk. There is clear price-fixing of wages paid.

The option of family does not differ from any other career choice, and should be treated as such. In fact, current projections are for three career fields in a lifetime to extend beyond age 65. The multitudinous family skills are clearly transferable. In fact, families today can intelligently be viewed as partnerships. And, the definition of family no longer assumes that two parents are in residence.



Huntington Beach
