
Here’s How to Get There From Here

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Southern California fishermen desiring to fish Costa Rica’s Caribbean coast can fly one of two ways, from Los Angeles-to-San Jose, Costa Rica on Lacsa Airlines, or via Miami, on Eastern Airlines.

Excursion round trip air fare on Lacsa’s Los Angeles-San Jose flight is $632 on weekdays, $645 weekends. Eastern Airlines offers the same fares for its Los Angeles-Miami-San Jose route. The Eastern flight is recommended. Lacsa’s Los Angeles-San Jose flight is long: 7 hours, 20 minutes, with stops in Mexico City and Guatemala City.

Reduced fares can be obtained with inclusive tour packages. One, Baja Fishing Adventures in Long Beach, offers an 7-day, 6-night package at Rio Colorado Lodge for $1,235, which includes a $430 Lacsa air fare, first and last night’s hotel lodging in San Jose, five days of fishing, rooms and meals, and round trip air fare from San Jose to Rio Colorado.


Fishermen not traveling on a tour package pay $160 a day for fishing, lodging and meals at Rio Colorado. The rate at nearby Casa Mar is $200 per day.
