
Von Bulow Defense Rests Without His Giving Testimony

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United Press International

The defense rested its case today without calling Claus von Bulow or his loyal teen-age daughter to testify in his retrial on charges that he twice tried to kill his wealthy wife with insulin injections.

Assistant Atty. Gen. Henry Gemma said that the state will spend about three days calling rebuttal witnesses and that the case could go to the jury by the end of the week.

Defense lawyer Thomas Puccio did not tell Superior Court Judge Corinne Grande why he decided against calling the Danish jet-set financier or his daughter, Cosima, 18. But he told reporters during a recess that he decided not to put Von Bulow on the stand because “the disadvantages clearly outweigh the advantages.”


Asked what the jury will think of Von Bulow’s not taking the stand, Puccio said: “I don’t think they can conclude much one way or the other. I don’t think he projects much.”
