
Heat, Smog Ease Only Slightly; More of Same Expected Today

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Times Staff Writer

It was only slightly cooler and less smoggy in the Southland Saturday than the day before, and the outlook for today is for much the same kind of eye-stinging air and high temperatures.

Eleven areas, including downtown Los Angeles, went through first-stage smog alerts for varying periods during the day, meaning that the air was unhealthful for everyone. The day before had been the smoggiest in two years.

Temperatures generally were a few degrees lower, with the thermometer peaking at 91 in down town Los Angeles, only three degrees less than Friday.


Montebello registered 94, San Gabriel had a 96, and it was 100 in Monrovia. The temperatures were in the 70s and low 80s in coastal areas.

The National Weather Service said that the smog and heat were due largely to a high-pressure system dominating the area and lack of wind.

A weak sea breeze of about 10 m.p.h. did spring up along the coast late in the afternoon. The forecast for today was “more of the same,” according to weather service specialist Dave Cooper. He called for generally fair skies, except for fog and low clouds along the coast, and continued high temperatures through Monday.


He said that inland highs both days will be in the 90s, with a high of 93 downtown. Lows should be in the 60s.

The deserts will be clear and hot, hitting 115 in some spots. Mountain areas will be in the 80s.

450,000 at Beaches

The inland heat sent hundreds of thousands of Southern Californians to the beaches for relief. About 450,000 sun-seekers hit the beaches, according to Los Angeles County lifeguard officials. But fog kept temperatures comparatively low throughout the day.


The South Coast Air Quality Management District said that first-stage smog alerts were called at various times in downtown Los Angeles, the east and west San Fernando Valley, the west, east and south San Gabriel Valley, San Bernardino Valley and the central San Bernardino Mountains. The highest reading Saturday was 270 PSI (Pollutant Standard Index) in the east San Gabriel Valley.

The district’s forecast for today was for first-stage alerts in the San Gabriel and Pomona valleys and in the Riverside-San Bernardino area.
