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A public relations firm was hired by the Oceanside City Council on Wednesday to develop a three- to five-year marketing plan designed to enhance Oceanside’s image. Council members, formalizing an intention expressed at a meeting last month, voted unanimously to retain the Stoorza Co. for six months at a cost of $18,900.

The San Diego firm previously was hired to conduct a survey of the public’s perceptions of Oceanside. The study found that the city’s image ranks a 6.1 on a scale of 10, largely because of the community’s lingering reputation as a military town with crime problems.

Now Stoorza officials will, among other things, help the city’s first public information officer get established, help design and produce promotional materials, and seek positive media coverage for the city. The project is being financed collectively by the city, which is providing $13,000; the harbor district; the redevelopment agency, and the Chamber of Commerce.
