
Reader Requesting Tips on Silver Dip

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A Long Beach reader named Lela has been unsuccessful in locating Noxon Quick-Dip silver cleaner in local stores. Can you help Lela and her silver come clean, or will her next dinner be served to a crowd that won’t crave a silver lining?

Eugene Feingold of Rancho Palos Verdes is looking for an automatic dishwasher that will fit under a 30-inch-high counter. Can you help, or will Feingold be spaced out to the point where he’ll try to wash the dishes by hand?

For years, Nadia D. Jones of Bellflower has had her ear on the ground for non-alkaline pierced earrings, but none of the people she’s talked to have heard of such a thing. Because of an allergy, she can wear only this kind of earring day and night without being irritated. Now she’s wondering whether anybody makes such jewelry. Can you help solve this irritating problem, or will Jones have to realize that her plea has fallen on deaf ears?


Reader-to-Reader Help Line: Janet at (805) 942-3548 and Sally at (818) 308-2079 are both looking for pressure cookers. Sally needs a stainless-steel, six-quart cooker with an old-style needle gauge; Janet would like a gauge for a Revere four-quart pressure cooker (she’ll even take the whole apparatus) and also two Revere racks (22 or 29 1/2 inches long) for hanging Revere Ware with the lids. Please help these readers and ease the pressure in their kitchens. . . . Still in the kitchen, M. R. at (213) 472-6357 would like to locate the glass jar for a Model 11-129 Waring blender; this particular model is no longer being manufactured. Please help, so that M. R.--and the blender--can both be turned on again.

Note: The Reader-to-Reader Help Line is only for one-time items and for products that are no longer available in stores. And you must give us written permission to publish your telephone number, so that other readers may contact you directly.

For Fay Fust, who was looking for green embroidery silk, we finally have a thread of hope. Lois Jenks of Los Angeles gave us two sources for the silk: Dyeworks, 2750 Nicollet Square, Minneapolis, Minn. 55408, and Mini-Magic, 3675 Reed Road, Columbus, Ohio 43320.


Things didn’t turn out quite as sweet for Shirley Fishkin, who was looking for Carnet de Bal perfume by Revillon. Laurie Brockway Bodor, director of public relations for Revillon, told us that the fragrance was discontinued in 1975. She added, however, that with more requests, they may someday bring out Carnet de Bal again. Write to her at 333 7th Ave., New York, N.Y. 10001.

On the other hand, things are looking up--perhaps listening up?--for Marlene Sigismonti of El Toro, who was making waves about finding a book that would tell her how to operate a CB radio. Mrs. Arthur McNamee of San Fernando suggests Henry’s Radio in Anaheim. And Louis Roseman says to contact the Federal Communications Commission, Room 501, 3711 Long Beach Blvd., Long Beach 90807, telephone (213) 426-4451; ask for Part 95, including Sub-Parts A, C, D and E. If the Long Beach office of the FCC can’t help, write to the FCC in Washington, D.C. 20554.

Dawn Peters of Claremont, who was looking for futons, may have to go places before she can rest easy. Sue LeTourneau of Norwalk has two sources: East West Furniture, 2929 W. Ball Road, Anaheim, (714) 865-7218, and Futon Design & Import Co., 5005 East 2nd St., Long Beach, (213) 433-8749. Still going west from Claremont, Mary Alice Turner of Orange says a bedding shop in Little Tokyo, Downtown Los Angeles, carries futons. E. T. Babbitt of Hollywood states that Cloud Nine, 7957 Melrose Ave. (near Fairfax Avenue), Los Angeles, (213) 651-3334, sells futons. And if Peters just keeps going, she will eventually get to the Golden Nagas, 3103 Geary Blvd., San Francisco 94118, (415) 752-7693. According to Lynne Panlaqui of Garden Grove, that place carries all types of Japanese furniture--and will ship.


John Williams and Carole Chan, who were both looking for hot-lather dispensers, should soon be in hot water again. Steve Caporaletti of San Diego, who was looking for the same item, says he found it in a Goodwill Industries store. Most discarded dispensers, he says, need only a good cleaning, because when the lather cakes up, the owner thinks the machine no longer works and gives it to Goodwill. We also heard from six readers who are willing to part with hot-lather dispensers. If interested in the names, please send a stamped, self-addressed envelope.

Herb Hain cannot answer mail personally but will, space permitting, respond in this column to readers who have--or need--helpful information. Write (do not telephone) to You Can Help!, You section, the Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles 90053.
