
Young Passes Physical at Tampa Bay, but Contract Talks Could Take Time

Associated Press

Los Angeles Express quarterback Steve Young passed a physical exam Friday and threw some passes for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, but negotiations on a contract with the National Football League team could be drawn out.

“He could sign right now, but National Football League teams are afraid of the anti-trust suit,” said attorney Leigh Steinberg, representing Young.

The United States Football League is suing the NFL because of what it claims is a monopoly on televising games.


The Buccaneers had to buy a $2 million insurance policy to protect the USFL against any injury Young might suffer in the workout Friday. “I thought he threw fine,” Buccaneer Coach Leeman Bennett said. Young suffered knee and back injuries during the 1985 season.

It is believed that to buy out Young’s contract with the Express--which has two years more to run--would cost between $1 and $2 million.
