Richard Crenna stars as a police detective...
Richard Crenna stars as a police detective charged with solving a perverse double murder in “Switch,” a TV movie that CBS plans to broadcast next season. The victims were a prostitute and a schoolteacher. Also in the cast are Beverly D’Angelo, Vincent Baggetta, Cliff Gorman, Julie Bovasso and Priscilla Lopez, among others.
Bonnie Franklin, the former star of “One Day at a Time,” will portray a nun in “Sister Margaret and the Saturday Night Ladies,” a TV movie for CBS. The film centers around the nun’s efforts to set up a halfway house for female ex-cons. Also in the cast are Rosemary Clooney, Sheryl Lee Ralph and Cindy Fisher.
The classic 1947 film “Miracle on 34th Street,” starring Edmund Gwenn, Maureen O’Hara, John Payne and Natalie Wood, will be seen in color for the first time this year. The black-and-white movie has been “electronically color-enhanced” by 20th Century Fox and is being syndicated that way.
“Government on the Line,” KHJ-TV’s annual program that brings elected government officials to the Channel 9 studios to field phone calls from viewers, is set to air Aug. 31 from 8 to 11 p.m. It will be hosted by KHJ-TV news anchors Wendy Gordon, Tom Lawrence and Ron Tank.
Castings: Danny Kaye is doing an episode of “The Twilight Zone” for CBS. . . . Gregory Hines and Sam Waterston are starring in separate episodes of NBC’s “Amazing Stories”. . . . Linda Purl and David Clennon will be seen as a married couple in an installment of “Alfred Hitchcock Presents” on NBC. . . . Katharine Ross has joined the cast of “Dynasty II: The Colbys.”
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