
An Idea for Improving Golf’s Skins Game

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A recent squib informed readers that the nabobs who sponsor a golfing foursome entitled Skins Game have selected a couple of old-timers, Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus, to date. This gives Arnie and Jack a shot at a handsome bonanza, something like $400,000 and change.

In the meantime, the benevolent arrangers will, at a later date, name two PGA members who will complete the foursome. I’ve a feeling their criteria for such selections will be private and personal. Here’s a suggestion:

Why not name Lee Elder and Charlie Sifford? Such an opportunity for a big paycheck would correct a “rub of the green” that only black players have experienced.


Golf, to this writer, is super dullsville. If the foursome of Elder, Palmer, Nicklaus and Sifford came to fruition, an all-time TV rating would ensue for PGA golf.


