
Time Capsule

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A Times article (Oct. 8) on time capsules reported that few people connected with the Los Angeles City Bicentennial Committee Time Capsule remembered that the capsule--a Mariner 171 test propellant tank--is on public display at Griffith Observatory, where it will remain until the Tricentennial in 2076. Of course, we here at Griffith Observatory haven’t forgotten it. Our 50th anniversary this year demonstrates that the observatory is still likely to be here for another 91 years, even though all of Los Angeles changes around us. That is, in fact, why the observatory was selected as the time capsule’s 100-year home.

Times readers may be interested to learn that Griffith Observatory will be sealing up another time capsule on April 11, 1986, to commemorate the 1985-1986 return of Halley’s Comet and to preserve materials, memorabilia, and letters from children for the next return, in 2061 AD, 76 years from now. We expect some of those kids will be alive to see the comet again and will be present at Griffith Observatory to see their photographs and read their letters when the capsule is opened.



Griffith Observatory

Los Angeles
