
The State - News from Nov. 29, 1985

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A Northern California attorney for rock singer David Crosby hopes his client’s flight from justice does not end in tragedy. Arrest warrants were issued in Dallas for Crosby, 44, a resident of Mill Valley, when he failed to appear for a bond-revocation hearing in his appeal of drug and weapons convictions. “I talked to him over the weekend, and he was concerned about Texas,” attorney David Vogelstein said. “He didn’t know what to do. My impression was that his failure to appear may have been a last-minute decision. I hope it doesn’t end tragically.” Texas District Judge Pat McDowell revoked $15,000 in appeal bonds for Crosby, who was sentenced in August, 1983, to five years in prison for possessing cocaine and three years for carrying a handgun at a nightclub. “His only chance of doing a reduced amount of time in jail was to appear and throw himself on the mercy of the court,” Vogelstein said.
