
Contributions of Pereira

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William L. Pereira’s buildings and master plans are tribute enough for any architect. There is another phase of his professional life, however, that is less tangible but perhaps even more enduring. That is his role in shaping the careers of hundreds of future architects and planners.

He was a fifth-year design critic at the University of Southern California’s School of Architecture for many years, and his office served as a virtual postgraduate school for countless architectural school graduates, from USC and other schools, who served their apprenticeships under his tutelage on their way to acquiring their licenses and going on to other jobs, or starting their own practices. Some of today’s most prominent Southern California architects and planners were among those students and apprentices.

Beyond his professional talents he was gifted in his physical appearance and charisma, which helped to give him undeniable star quality. Something not common among architects, but which encouraged young people to think that being an architect could be a glamorous and wonderful thing.


Above all, he was a kind and considerate man who was a friend to his students and employees and inspired them to do their best by believing in them and having them in turn believe in themselves.

I am among those he instructed, inspired and befriended, and I am very sad that he is gone.


San Clemente
