
Terrorism Hits Us All

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The decision by the FBI to investigate possible civil-rights violations in connection with the series of bombings and fires at the offices of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee was welcomed in Washington by Arab-American officials who, along with other leaders of minority and civil-liberty groups, had been urging more intensified federal action.

It was gratifying news in Orange County, too, because it broadens the FBI’s involvement in the case and should help intensify the hunt for the killer or killers of Alex M. Odeh, the West Coast director of the Arab-American group, who was murdered Oct. 11 in Santa Ana when a bomb exploded as he unlocked his office door.

Odeh’s death had worldwide repercussions, but it had its strongest effect here in Orange County where Odeh lived, worked and was raising his family. Until his death, terrorism was something that was happening in other places, halfway around the world. The bomb blast that killed Odeh brought that horror to Orange County, along with the realization that no one or no place is immune to senseless terrorism.


There had been some other “incidents” in the county, like the fire-bombings last year of the Jesse Jackson campaign headquarters in Garden Grove and the Planned Parenthood Clinic in Santa Ana. But those caused only minor damage. They did not have the deadly force and the professional touch of the bomb planted at Odeh’s office.

Odeh, who had been the target of death threats, was a man of peace who deplored terrorism. His death prompted feelings of outrage and fear. It also led to the formation of the Orange County Anti-Terrorism Committee, which was organized to raise public awareness of terrorist activities, give comfort and courage to others being threatened and put pressure on police to find Alex Odeh’s killer.

The FBI’s broadened approach gives the murder investigation a higher priority. It’s important for the government to do that, and to show its determination to apprehend and punish terrorists. Alex Odeh’s violent death at the hands of terrorists took a bit of life, and freedom, from us all. The authorities can help restore some of that by bringing Odeh’s killer to justice.
