
Worth the Study

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Had it not been for your outstanding Sunday Travel Section, we’d not have had half the trip we had. We studied your section for seven months, finding all the things to do and see, as well as not to do, and were impressed with many suggestions. Three stand out.

Most important, one of your articles mentioned In the English Manner of Orinda, Calif. We followed the advice and rate the result as the finest experience we ever had. Christy Campbell and her English partner, Sara Lloyd-Jones, worked out a fabulous tour which we drove without incident. They tied in marvelous homes where we were paying guests without other lodgers. Great dinners, marvelous hospitality, very comfortable quarters (ironed linen sheets), wonderful old homes (circa 1600) and just wonderful hosts and hostesses. Rating: 10 plus.

Second, buy those theater tickets right here in Los Angeles. Third, plan 8-12 months ahead and then be sure to subscribe to the Sunday Los Angeles Times for the best travel information service ever experienced by a couple of pretty knowledgeable travelers. Jerry Hulse deserves on Oscar for the fine travel work.


W.R. LAKE JR. Northridge
