
3-Legged Shelter Mascot Is a Foursquare Friend

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Compiled by the View Staff

Cassidy (as in Hopalong) is approaching his first anniversary as mascot at the East Valley District Animal Shelter in North Hollywood.

The name of the mixed breed border collie derives from the fact that he has only three legs. For some reason, somewhere along the line his right foreleg was amputated.

“He had been the pet of a transient who had been living on a vacant lot in the North Hollywood area,” said Gary Olsen, district supervisor at the shelter. “The man died intestate, and we got the dog last February.


“Cassidy was an immediate hit. He may be missing a leg, but he doesn’t know it. He loves jumping onto the front counter to greet the public. The only thing he can’t do is shake hands.”

Not only has the dog, about 4 years old, been adopted by the shelter staff, whose members take him along on weekend outings to the mountains and so forth, but he is a television star.

“He has appeared on ‘Hill Street Blues’ and had a bit part in the ‘Simon & Simon’ series,” Olsen said.


“He always looks as if he has a smile on his face.”

Energy Bills of Elderly

The high price of energy, especially as it affects older persons, will be the topic Feb. 26-28 of a conference in Washington co-sponsored by the National Energy and Aging Consortium and the Administration on Aging.

The conference is an outgrowth of a study by the 1981 White House Conference on Aging that showed that 41% of older persons surveyed considered high energy costs their most serious problem, outranking both crime and poor health.

Department of Labor statistics indicate that those over 65 who earn $5,000 or less spend nearly one dollar in four--22.3% of gross income--on energy-related expenses; those who earn under $10,000 spend 18.4% of their income on energy.


The conference will examine what would happen to the aging population in a new energy crisis, the progress of consumer advocates and energy providers in assisting the elderly and the experiences of social service organizations and government agencies in dealing with the energy expense problems of the elderly, according to Mary Ann Bernald, consortium chair.

“Energy consumers and energy providers need forums where they can exchange information and take a hard look at new facts together,” said Bernald, manager for consumer affairs with the Edison Electric Institute. “This conference offers a chance to solve problems mutually rather than circling around the same old problems without the resources to solve them.

“It offers the ideal atmosphere to explore funding alternatives, discuss problems, call attention to accomplishments and build new networks with policymakers and planners.”

Seeing Isn’t Believing

Seen in the vicinity of Los Angeles City College: attractive young woman in a white T-shirt candidly emblazoned “BOY scout.”

Help for Car Buyers

A lot of people don’t know a gearshift from a dipstick when it comes to buying a new car. At least that’s the opinion of automobile experts Dean Batchelor and Gary Witzenberg, who have set up shop to help careless car buyers. The two have founded a company called the Car Consultants to advise consumers on what set of wheels is right for them.

Batchelor, a former editor of Road & Track magazine, and Witzenberg, a widely published automotive writer, will--for a fee--take a prospective buyer’s list of needs and budget and match it with a choice of cars, listing the advantages and disadvantages of each model. Their fee is $100 for a basic consultation, plus an hourly charge for research and report writing.


Batchelor and Witzenberg say that many auto buyers don’t have the necessary information when they buy a car, yet would not consider investing in stocks, insurance or real estate or taking a vacation without advice. Adding a Los Angeles twist to their service, Batchelor specializes in classic and collector cars while Witzenberg handles late models. The two can be contacted by writing the Car Consultants at P.O. Box 1003, Woodland Hills, Calif. 91365.

Dance for Tall People

It’ll probably be a lofty experience for an as yet unknown number of Orange County residents next Friday. That’s when the Tall Club of Orange County holds a dance especially organized for men 6 feet 2 and beyond and women 5 feet 10 or more.

Though shorter folks can go, too, the club exists to provide a means for people of above-average height to meet others in the same altitude, so to speak. Admission to the dance is $5, at Fountain Valley Community Center, 10200 Slater Ave., Fountain Valley.

The tall club is quick to point out that it also sponsors weekly volleyball games Sundays at 2:30 p.m. in Shiffer Park, Costa Mesa.

However, the organization remains silent on whether it plans a basketball program.
