
Prop. 13: Arguments on Fairness Continue


In response to Dick Turpin’s column on the current unfairness of Proposition 13, I want to repeat his statement that “It saved thousands of California homeowners from being taxed out of their homes.”

When someone paid $10,000 for a home, there was no way they could afford to pay taxes on a $100,000 home. When someone pays $100,000 for a home, they know what their tax bill will be for as long as they own the home. They are not in danger of being taxed on a $250,000 home just because of inflation or improvements to the neighborhood. They also are protected by the current law from any big surprises.

It’s not the current tax system that stymies first-time buyers, it’s the prices of the houses. I don’t see how anyone can afford a home in a decent neighborhood these days unless they are willing to live a long way from the center of the city.



Los Angeles
