
Irvine : Councilwoman Wiener Won’t Seek Reelection


City Councilwoman Barbara Wiener has announced that she will not seek reelection in June to the post she has held for the past four years.

Wiener, who was first elected in 1982, made the announcement through a Saturday news release.

“My announcement comes early to encourage a full complement of Irvine citizens to run for my seat on the Irvine City Council,” she said.


Wiener said she hoped to pursue entrepreneurial opportunities when she leaves the council in June. She also said the personal goals she set when first elected “are well on their way to completion” and are a major reason for declining to seek reelection.

Wiener’s campaign platform included the preservation of East Irvine, the city’s financial accountability, long-range financial planning and new designs for transportation corridors.

Wiener also said she “enjoyed providing leadership” in the development of three new child-care centers during her tenure and getting Amtrak to make a stop at Irvine’s new Multimodel Center.

“My years on the Irvine Council have been busy, productive and rewarding. It has been my sincere privilege to serve the people of Irvine,” she said.
