
Orient Express Schedule

<i> Friedheim is editor-publisher of Travel Agent magazine. </i>

Question: Does the Orient Express between London and Venice run the year round?

Answer: The train operates weekly in the winter months with stops in various points near ski resorts, and resumes four times weekly service after March.

Q: Do any top resorts have facilities for handicapped?


A: For a free booklet listing more than 100 North American resorts with condominiums designed for the physically handicapped, write to the American Society of Travel Agents, 4400 MacArthur Blvd. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007. Send a stamped self-addressed envelope.

Q: Where can I get information about taking my pet abroad?

A: Contact the airline you’ll be using. Also write for the free pamphlet “Pets, Wildlife” to Customs Service, Box 7407, Washington, D.C. 20044.

Q: Some travel agents have the initials CTC after their names. What do they signify?

A: They stand for Certified Travel Counselor, which means that the agent has successfully completed a prescribed professional course of studies and has met specified experience standards.

Q: Which states have mandatory seat belt laws?


A: California, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, New Mexico, Indiana, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Hawaii, Nebraska, Louisiana and Texas fine non-buckled travelers. Most other states have introduced bills. Fines average $50.

Q: Is it possible to tour China by a camper or other recreational vehicle?

A: RV touring is available in China via caravan groups. For details contact Trailer Life, 29901 Agoura Road, Agoura, Calif. 91301.

Q: We’d like to get married during our trip to the Caribbean. What are the local license requirements and do we need blood tests?

A: The rules vary, with some islands allowing marriage in 24 hours, some three days, others considerably longer. For what’s required in various areas contact Caribbean Tourist Assn., 20 East 46th St., New York 10017.

Q: We’ll be spending the winter in Florida and plan a cruise from Port Everglades. Do you know if they have indoor parking?


A: The Port Authority provides outdoor valet parking for a nominal fee to cruise passengers. Cars are locked and kept in lighted, fenced parking areas, all outdoors.
