
H.W. Armstrong


I read with great appreciation your coverage on the passing of Herbert W. Armstrong. Your religious writer, John Dart, in particular demonstrated an understanding beyond the norm.

There is no way in a short letter to relate what Herbert Armstrong meant in the lives of several scores of men who have had the great joy and fortune of serving him intimately as advisers and assistants.

We’re the fortunate ones, but what he has meant to us is not very different from what he had meant to thousands of young men and women who have grown up under his influence at Ambassador Colleges and to millions of people worldwide who have heard his inimitable voice and have read his personal messages in five languages in “The Plain Truth.”


Although we are scattered over the globe, today to all of us comes a surge of memories. We are, of course, saddened by his death, but he remains inextricably and deeply woven into our lives.


