
GovernorWill speak to the California Newspaper Publishers...

Times Staff Writer


Will speak to the California Newspaper Publishers Assn. annual convention in Coronado today. Assembly Committee Action:

Automobile Insurance: The Assembly Transportation Committee approved a bill (AB2610) by Assemblyman Richard Katz (D-Sepulveda) to make drivers 55 years of age and older eligible for reduced automobile insurance rates if they satisfactorily complete a state-approved driver safety program. An 8-2 vote sent the bill to the Finance and Insurance Committee. Bills Introduced:

Telephone Sales: AB3076 by Assemblyman Robert C. Frazee (R-Carlsbad) would require telephone sales firms to deliver purchased goods within 30 days or refund the purchase price, substitute other equivalent goods, or explain to the consumer the reason for the delay. Senate Committee Action:


Smokeless Tobacco: The Senate Health and Welfare Committee approved a bill (SB1507) by Sen. John Garamendi (D-Walnut Grove) to require health warning labels on snuff and chewing tobacco and ban television advertising of these products if the federal government fails to take the same steps within one year. A 7-0 vote sent the bill to the Appropriations Committee. Bills Introduced:

School Art Courses: SCR62 by Sen. Marian Bergeson (R-Newport Beach) urges the public schools to restore art instruction to the curriculum wherever possible and to consider the use of state lottery funds for this purpose.
