
Fullerton : Clothing in Fireplace Results in $45,000 Fire

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Clothing left burning in an unattended fireplace sparked an early morning blaze Monday that gutted a Fullerton apartment, authorities said.

Fullerton fire officials said a spat with a girlfriend prompted one of two men sharing the apartment to throw the woman’s clothing in the fireplace and set it afire before the two retired for the night.

One of the residents, identified as David Mayo, 21, suffered second-degree burns to his right thigh while trying to put out the fire, but sought medical attention on his own, Fullerton Battalion Chief Van Goyne said Monday.


Seventeen firefighters responded to the alarm in the 2300 block of West Baker Avenue and extinguished the blaze within 10 minutes after the first report at 5:01 a.m., officials said.

The fire caused an estimated $45,000 in damage--$35,000 to the structure and $10,000 to the contents. Minor smoke damage was reported to adjacent apartments, officials said.

Both Mayo and roommate David Acosta, 33, were provided with temporary shelter, food and clothing by the American Red Cross’ Orange County chapter, disaster services coordinator Robert Alexander said.


Fire officials said they did not know which man had been having trouble with a girlfriend. Red Cross officials said that both men shared their apartment with their girlfriends and that both women had left town for the weekend.
