
Dornan’s ‘Little Jew’ Remark


So Dornan’s spokesman insists he had no anti-Semitic intent of labeling the Soviet commentator who criticized President Reagan’s military buildup budget as being a “disloyal, betraying little Jew.”

The word “Jew,” like the word “Negro,” has no odious significance--unless it is used in a certain context. Would Dornan have characterized the American-born Soviet spokesman as a “betraying little Catholic” if that was his religion? Or a “disloyal little Baptist,” if that was his faith? I doubt it seriously.

By the same token if Jesse Jackson condemns our military budget (as he has) and Dornan characterizes him a “big, traitorous Negro” his purpose is clear. He is using the description in a derogatory manner, as a trigger word, to rally all those who automatically dislike either of these two minorities.


Dornan properly ought to resign his post after that outburst.


Studio City
