
Governor Appointed former Los Angeles Rams football...

Times Staff Writer

Governor Appointed former Los Angeles Rams football lineman Roosevelt Grier to the state Athletic Commission. The position pays necessary expenses plus $50 per meeting day and requires Senate confirmation. A Republican, Grier fills a vacancy on the commission. His term expires June 1, 1989.

Assembly Floor Action: VDTs: Approved and sent to the Senate on a 56-12 vote a bill (AB 2742) by Assemblyman Richard Floyd (D-Hawthorne) calling for a state study on possible health and safety hazards to people who work with video display terminals. The bill now goes to the Senate for further consideration.

Committee Action: Lottery: The Assembly Governmental Organization Committee approved a bill (AB 3860) by Assemblyman Steve Peace (D-San Diego) to require the California Lottery Commission to maintain a 24-hour telephone hot line to counsel compulsive gamblers. The lottery also would have to disclose the odds on winning the big prize in its advertising. A 13-3 vote sent the bill to the Ways and Means Committee.


Senate Floor Action: Pornography: Approved and sent to the governor on a 37-0 vote a bill (SB 139) by Sen. Wadie P. Deddeh (D-Chula Vista) designed to change the legal definition of pornography for the first time in 25 years and make it easier to prosecute and convict pornography peddlers in court.

Committee Action: Public Restrooms: The Senate Health and Human Services Committee approved a bill (SB 1629) by Sen. Art Torres (D-Los Angeles) to require public facilities to provide enough restrooms to meet the needs of both men and women. A 7-0 vote sent the bill to the Appropriations Committee.

Snuff: The Senate Agriculture and Water Committee approved a bill (SB 1491) by Sen. Nicholas C. Petris (D-Oakland) to require retailers who sell snuff to post signs warning it is illegal for minors to purchase it and warning of possible health hazards created by the use of snuff. A 7-0 vote sent the bill to the Appropriations Committee.
