
Buckley School and Its Students

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Patricia Klein’s article “Private School’s Traffic Irks Neighbors” (April 9) not only overlooked The Buckley School’s current parking regulations but also stereotyped the Buckley student as a rich, spoiled snob.

The Buckley student body is extremely concerned about the over congestion of Stansbury Avenue and is sympathetic to the neighbors’ unfortunate situation. Along with the administration, we have helped to alleviate the problem by initialing reforms, such as restricting parking on the west side of Stansbury, controlling the influx of traffic by staggering classes, permitting delivery vehicles only through the rear entry of the school and reducing the number of evening and weekend school meetings. We have established three separate committees to address the various aspects of this problem.

But although we were upset that our efforts went unrecognized, we were even more distressed by the unflattering image slapped on the Buckley student. Comprised of, among others, National Merit Scholars, Gold Key art winners and nationally recognized student council leaders, the student body represents conscientious and ambitious hard workers.


The Buckley student is fortunate to be a part of a school that has a well-deserved reputation as a superior learning institution. Along with its high academic standards, we are taught to be responsible and concerned members of the community in which we are located.



Sherman Oaks

The writers are, respectively, editor of the Buckley student newspaper and the student body president.
