
Player Cites Cocaine Use in Pro Tennis

United Press International

Norway’s leading tennis player, Morten Ronneberg, arrested last week on drug charges, said in newspaper interviews that cocaine use is widespread on the international tennis circuit.

He told Norwegian reporters that cocaine use is prevalent among the top players, with the exception of the Swedes. Ronneberg said players even used cocaine during matches.

“Players put cocaine on their sweat bands or in their towels to make it available during play,” he said.


Ronneberg, 21, was arrested for possession of 10 grams of amphetamines as he was going through passport control in Oslo.

He said drug dealers follow the circuit and always have drugs to offer. Ronneberg said the Swedes are not involved with drugs because they never travel alone and are always accompanied by experienced trainers.

Ronneberg is ranked around 350th in the world by the Assn. of Tennis Professionals.
