
The Nuclear Disaster in the Soviet Union


Is anyone really surprised that the nuclear genie has escaped from the bottle once again?

We build power plants using plutonium as fuel, the most toxic substance known in the universe--even though we know it takes 100,000 years to lose half its toxicity.

We build these monstrosities on seismic fault lines and next to our waterways.

We have no way to dispose of the spent radioactive fuel, although many leading scientists are urging--get this--that we dump it into the ocean.

And all this for what? Not to produce some magical power from the atom, but to heat water so that it boils, creates steam, turns turbines and makes electricity so we may operate our electric can openers, electric toothbrushes and other lazy rubbish. On days of perfect weather we suck up unconscionable amounts of poison-produced energy to air condition our vacuum-sealed homes, offices and schools. The inanity goes on and on.


Something is fundamentally wrong here. Is it going to take a complete global catastrophe for the major nuclear nations to finally show some wisdom and foresight?


Santa Monica
