
San Dimas : Park Given Rent Break


The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has voted to give Raging Waters a break on its rent next year, making it easier for the water-theme amusement park to pay for the $1 million in liability insurance required by its 25-year contract with the county. The San Dimas park, which opened on a limited basis last weekend, will have its rent cut by $50,000 for the 1986-87 fiscal year, lowering it to about $369,000, said Michael Kriste, the supervising contract analyst for the county Department of Parks and Recreation.

While the reduction in rent is helpful, it was not the deciding factor in the park’s ability to obtain liability insurance, a Raging Waters spokesman said. “The question was where or from whom, not if” the park could purchase insurance, said Ina B. Miller. She said the park, which will hold its official opening Memorial Day weekend, is proceeding with a $500,000 expansion program for next year.
